Lion Killer Pops Build
We would like to encourage the knife-making community to join the Pops crew in our very first Pops Build. The first build will be the "Lion Killer". You can download the pattern here for free. We would also like to see your "Lion Killers", so share your results on our Facebook Group.
The History of the Lion Killer
Most knife makers in South Africa have heard of the legend of Harry Wolhuter. Harry was one of first game rangers in the Kruger National Park, who survived an attack of two male lions by killing one with his knife. This story has been revered, and inspired many a maker to recreate this extraordinary yet simple knife.

The original knife and lion skin is still on display in the Skukuza library. This is where Mastersmiths' Kevin and Heather Harvey recently had the opportunity to meet with the curator of all the museums in the Kruger National Park, and received permission to get as close as physically possible to the actual knife. They were able to get some measurements and the first drawing was put to paper.
This drawing is the foundation that inspired Jacques Mongis from La Petite Forge to interpret it to a digital drawing.
Harry's trusty knife was manufactured in London by Butchers Cutler - Thomas Williams and formed part of the popular Pipe Brand. Here are a couple of pages from a Thomas Williams Catalogue from 1905 that illustrates the Pipe Brand Knives.
To read more about Harry Wolhuter and his adventures there is a book that he wrote, in which he describes his encounter with the lions in great detail. Here is a small excerpt from it:
"the lion would give an impatient jerk of his great head, which added excruciating pain to my shoulder, already deeply lacerated by the powerful teeth."
To download the digital build pattern:
For more information on Master Smiths Kevin and Heather Harvey you can visit their website:
For more information on Jacques Mongis from La Petite Forge you can visit his Facebook Page:
Memories of a Game Ranger Book: